About Us

Nefelibata. The cloud walker. Metaphorically, a day dreamer.And that very much can define me.There was no way I would be here today talking in words as this.

Yet, here I am ,doing what I am doing because I held my dreams close, believed in them and waited for them to be realised.
To the ultra-realist world of surprised looks, clinging on to the intangible was a cliff-hanger the universe saw and laughed.

But all winters turn into spring and every Spring finds life in their buds.

If only we can walk through the haze, removing the curtain of mist and reach for the clouds to see the sun peeping through.

It took a seriously debilitating chronic illness to halt me in my tracks, re-read my life’s check-list and go back to the drawing board for an re-assessment.

Little did I know then, this journey will take me to the length and breath of infinity, to the never-ending land of dreams, fantasy and imagination, which I always harboured in me ,never to pay right attention.

It is said, a ship wreck is not your fault, but what you make out of the debris makes the person you are.

And travelling through my days of confinement, I unlocked my poetry coffer, my art and my world of abstract.

The idea of a website, hovered for the longest possible time, but it took this time to give it the shape I wanted it to have. It is an attempt at creating another world away from the biting reality where you pour from the kettle of bliss and drink to your joy….

Hello, this is Monoreena and welcome to my world.Hope you have a nice stay!
