Interpreting Lockdown Through Shapes and Colours

I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say
any other way—things I had no words for–Georgia O’Keeffee

It’s been three years our eyes trained to new ways of life.
But it came riding on pain, loss, isolation, shadows, the birds hungered for a breath of fresh air.
But some caged birds learn to sing.
Crooning the melody of freedom they master new tunes created by humming earth and croaking nights.
Not every story that emanated from that period was upsetting.
Many found their voice expressed through poetry, painting, music learning new craft or even a new recipe.
I for one, took up the brush and paper to express my thought of those days,
which I wish to present here today.
These are paintings from early 2020, and I decide to keep them untouched and not tamper with the innocence of novice hands.
Doors and Windows are by far my favourite subject to paint, as the dead log can start speaking if your vision aligns with their vein, however dry.
These colour outings taught me a few lines placed thoughtfully on paper can be a great conduit for unspoken words.
I thought of sharing a poem titled ‘Let’s be’ as conversation here which I wrote then to infuse some positivity on those not-so-vibrant days/nights…..

Total Lockdown
Let’s be noisy tonight-
Giggles n’ laughter filling 
The way,
Let’s gather on the roof like
Dumb charades, Domino’s and
Those tuneless croons,
Once again—
Let’s dance to the moon....

Painting: A locked green door resting under a shady green tree.
I used orange and green colours which stand for positivity, hope and confidence. It was an attempt to hold fort even in extremely trying times, believing 'all storms don't come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path....'
Partial Lockdown
Let it rain tonight 
Lashing the window panes,
Rumbling thunder penetrating 
The blanket of bane,
Let’s soak in the torrents just
Like the other day,
Drenched in its fervour—
Let’s dance to the rain....

Painting:  A sea of peace passed through us when we all could slightly loosen ourselves following the strict mandates. A slightly open window opening to the joyous blue outside.
Almost Unlocked
Let the wind blow tonight
Zipping the tired earth,
Let the trees play their violin
Like they play to the berth,
Standing beside the window
Happy memories crowding
The mind,
Drowning the silence, 
Melody it finds,
A flimsy touch, a gentle squeeze,
Come once again,
Let’s dance to the breeze....

Painting: Some windows open, some partially open and some close. 
The way I saw partial lockdown with some part of life coming back to normal and yet miles away from any normalcy. 
I used red as a signal to the somewhat recklessness that was observed around this time leading to the better forgotten 'Second Phase' in India.
Still wishing if only people listened and wore mask....
Let it be an Autumn night— 
Gathered around a bonfire 
Like we always would, 
Singing our lungs out 
Hand in hand swaying  
To the tune, 
Sparkling white in that clear blue, 
Let’s dance to the stars— 
Leaving the gloom! 

Painting : Finally we could breathe deep, still skeptic if we are inhaling poisoned air. There was hope and there was uncertainty, so I used an open window looking out to the blue sea at a distance….

We had some guests…..

……And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened,
and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned
new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply.
Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows.
And the people began to think differently.
And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant,
dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.
And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again,

they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed
new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully,
as they had been healed.
–Kitty O’Meara

#acrylic painting
#Invisible illness
#Mental Health
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