Clouds Showed me Faces Because I Started a Conversation with Them….

To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something
interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things
you see and everything to do with the way you see them--Elliott Erwitt

Clouds smiled sitting up in the sky, when in recent turn of events, humans found themselves chained by an invisible virus, They have never been in the reckoning in a way before, apart from the dumped-in-the-corner, yet decorated Climate Change discussions.

The silent lender of aesthetics to a creative’s eyes, Clouds took centre stage, arranging meetings (zoom), handling publishing ( virtual spaces for publication), feeding the mass (Cloud kitchen), creating virtual cupboards for storing memories and information (Cloud storage) — thus broadening the concept of Cloud Computing.
The world got connected through Cloud which created new lexicon for the post Covid-era, adding meaning to its already existing ones.As a child I always saw faces, specially in odd places like a shadow on a wall, in spilt fluid on floor or in cloud clusters up in the sky.

Growing up and getting busy with life meant your inner world taking a long nap.
Opportunity came in not so desirable way, but nonetheless it came when I was rendered debilitated by a life altering disease and found time to ponder over my hidden ways of existence.
Out came the most precious one–observing my surroundings and creating my own by adding elements from my inside quirk.
This is a photo story of random clicks with my Phone Camera, when I saw something more than just nebula up there….
Can you………?!

The spring warmth steals into me, 
Drying up all the tears of my soul,

She sits on a bed of soft grass below the shady tree and looks above.
A clear blue sky with white floating clouds remind her of the happier times, when she came here with her father as cloud watcher.

And gives me a flight into the vastness,—
Into a floor less, unroofed reverie-hall.
Lo, such greenness, such velvety greenness, 
Such a heaven without heaven above!

She always found the clouds beautiful, striking in their unique shape, form and movement.
An artist’s touch to the easel of nature, they decorated the sky and captured her imagination.

Lo, again, such grayness, such velvety grayness, 
Such an earth without earth below!
My soul sails through the waveless 

A poet’s eyes find castle in air or a camel walking, when layers of billowing cloud accumulate, defying all rules of architecture and acquires shapes the eyes wishes to see.
Sky’s earth is blue. In its wave-less waters, her ship sails.

Oh, how near to Fairyland!
Blow, blow, gust of wind!

Introverted, shy, she moves around in the vast blue canopy, freedom entailed, dressed in her layered white dress.
Thick, dense forms fill her mind today. She can’t assign reasons to her heavy ness, on days like these. 

Sweep away my soul-boat against 
that very shore!

With wind beneath her mind-wings, she floats over the urban contour, the stunned trees rowed like siblings, blooms sick from polluting gases — all looking up to the sky for a relief.
Almost out of breath, she opens her journal — a place where she jettisons her antsy.
It’s not easy, but she keeps pushing her thought-tubes for words to flow like the colours from tubes, which paint her canvas to create the shapes which spoke……

In meteorology, a cloud is an aerosol consisting of a visible mass of miniature liquid droplets, frozen crystals, or other particles suspended in the atmosphere of a planetary body or similar space. Water or various other chemicals may compose the droplets and crystals. On Earth, clouds are formed as a result of saturation of the air when it is cooled to its dew point, or when it gains sufficient moisture (usually in the form of water vapor) from an adjacent source to raise the dew point to the ambient temperature.

There are different-types-of-clouds, depending on their height, colour, shape and weather conditions, which when learned, give an idea to days weather and changes in climate.
It seems what I captured here is a coupling of my imaginative eyes and the changing face of cosmic arrangement we are doomed to witness given Climate Change becoming a reality!

This fairyland existence in words in the world of cloud used here is
gathered from 19th Century Japanese poet
Yone Noguchi and his poetry titled How-near-fairyland

#iphone photography
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