Raincoat Window

a closed window carrying a potted plant on its sil

Your gift for making the window smile

“Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself” —Hermann Hesse

I exhale

The plant in the pot needs carbon dioxide
The caffeinated oxygen fills your nostrils
Your gift for making the window smile

I sit there
As the day readies to turn the knob
Dim the lights
It smells evening outside
Your inside protected

You are protected inside
When a sheet of last rains wet the window glass
The drops don’t travel, they stick
Humidity I guess

The room smells damp
Wired humans are clowns
Manning the circus called life 
Clones of programmed dictations
Not all dictators have face with 
A philtrum kaiser

Not every shut window is a 
metaphor for closed mind

Bats or owls are not visible by the day
But they leave a trace
You decide its dark or beautiful
Sometimes dark is beautiful
Night sky immersed in stars
A faint crescent moon wading through
sky’s water

You wonder when the old lady in the moon
from your grandma’s stories becomes just scars 
that give life to the satellite

That is when you leave the child
and look for pain
Pain is familiar
Pain is growth
For me pain is poetry
But when its shady inside and you stare
At the window —

Outside playing with the shades of the falling day
Your mind trails to places you always want to 
You close your eyes and how an afternoon 
turns into an evening

Magic in a day

A little island away from intersecting flyovers
traffic and business usual
Where moss and fungi 
are decorated pieces of art
We are Artsy

As I look outside where it rains torrential
The window as I see now, becomes my raincoat
And all life and every form of adoration
acquires the colour blue

Raincoat Window.

cafe Artsy

A short visit to Cafe Artsy in Kolkata near Pinto Park, is the genesis of the poem. That evening threw up such images that flowed into poetry organically, like this closed window and that potted plant.

#Mental Health
13-May-2024 06:05
[…] You can take a look at https://nefelibata.in/2024/04/11/raincoat-window […]

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