Elysian The Spoken Words–1st Episode

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The Poetry Podcast

1st Episode of the Poetry Podcast Elysian-The Spoken Words

Elysian ways of meeting our souls’s demands through a poetry podcast

“We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.”― Kurt Vonnegut, If This Isn’t Nice, What Is?: Advice for the Young

Yutori is a Japanese word which denotes the conscious act of slowing down to allow us to savour the world around.

I came across this concept a few days back and found this serendipitous as this is what we are planning to do here in Elysian, the spoken words— —to move away from the rush, to slow down even for a few minutes, take a deep breath, look around and enjoy the beauties that surround us and talk about what we love most —Poetry.

If we go by the definition of poetry, it the the medium through which our soul communicatesWe all have a soul, buried deep down, impatiently waiting for us to hear their song, but where is the time to hear our inner hum….

So here we are—creating our own poetic world and make it our innate way of expression just the way our soul demands.

You must be wondering  what’s new ?!
Nothing except that they are our experiences wrapped in our chosen words spoken with some honesty for the next few minutes

Hello everyone and a big welcome to our Poetry Cafe….Elysian-The Spoken Words
So without much ado let’s cool our  feet in the Elysian tub
With me in this  journey I am joined by Priyanka Srivastava from Singapore, Somsubhra Banerjee from Bengaluru and me Monoreena from Kolkata

Hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we enjoyed making it.
Do keep your feedback, suggestion, critic in the comment box below.
You positive involvement is our way forward!

For more of creativity click the link below:

You can take a look at https://nefelibata.in/2024/04/11/raincoat-window

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#Chronic illness
#Mental Health
#spoken words
Bimalendu Acherjee
24-May-2024 02:05
Wonderful project.
21-May-2024 12:05
[…] If you like this you can also check https://nefelibata.in/2024/05/13/elysian-the-spoken-words-1st-episode/ […]
Caroline Mellor
20-May-2024 08:05
Wonderful! Looking forward to more of these💜

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Elysian The Spoken Words–1st Episode

Raincoat Window

Seeds of Dissociation

Because My Thoughts are Hands


The Meeting

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