Category: travel

Above and Beyond the Cloud Cluster My Loony Mind Rambled

Off to Roads Where Clouds Come to Greet You En Route Cherrapunji–To the Land of Clouds Beyond the cloud cluster our vehicle sped through the vista wide and open, the road-ladder leading to the sky. The sky falling on earth as if rain, splashed, merged on the asphalt black.My mind churns images from my memory […]

Author at Nefelibata

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar

Bloomgale–Letter From Nature

She wore flowers in her hair and carried magic secrets in her eyes. She spoke to no one. She spent hours on the riverbank. She smoked cigarettes and had midnight swims…” ― Arundhati Roy, The God of Small Things For how long she doesn’t remember, that she was compared to flowers every time she wore […]

Author at Nefelibata

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar

A True Story

Bewitched, I stationed my gaze at the edifice. The stillness was palpable.Trees nodded gently to the passing gust, as the narrow stream bordering the terra firma danced away to some unknown. On a customary winter visit to Kolkata it was decided upon, to fulfill our long cherished plan of visiting the countryside. We chose Murshidabad. […]

Author at Nefelibata

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar

Elysian The Spoken Words–1st Episode

Raincoat Window

Seeds of Dissociation

Because My Thoughts are Hands


The Meeting

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar

॥আচারি স্বপ্ন॥

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar

Collection of Haibun and Happy Reading Hours

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar

Toba Tek Singh

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar

Love They Say

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar